Swiss.318: Pioneers of Innovation, from Research to Scientific Excellence

In constant pursuit of new technological horizons, LCS stands out for its total commitment to innovation, harnessing the revolutionary potential of Swiss.318 to redefine the limits of negative ions.

Swiss.318: the innovative heart of LCS, ferrying excellence within the bounds of Negative Ions

LCS is the hub of innovation, driven by the revolutionary patent Swiss.318, which serves as the cornerstone in our commitment to explore and redefine the limits of negative ions. 

In our state-of-the-art laboratories, we not only examine and test the potential of Swiss.318 but also push beyond, aiming to magnify its extraordinary capabilities through cutting-edge scientific experimentation. 

Our expertise, cultivated in Switzerland, and absolute dedication to the highest excellence in our production processes underscore our total commitment to innovation and the opening of new technological horizons through this unprecedented patent.


I flaconi airless sono il modo più tecnologico per gestire i dermocosmetici di ultima generazione.

Si tratta cioè di contenitori con un sistema sottovuoto, che permette di erogare il contenuto senza farlo entrare in contatto con l’aria.